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A Letter of Regret for You

Dear one who regrets the most

I will not ask you “hey, how’s your day or are you OK today?” NO, not anymore. I will just tell myself I’m a bit BETTER after all suffering moments you built so strong enough.

Everything was just fine at the beginning of the story, everything from every single little thing like your name, our meeting, your smile, my greetings to you, your face expression, our awkward moments, and your eye contact showing a deep feeling for more than a conversation but inviting to recognize each other and know deeper. I noticed you and you did, but I was too afraid to preserve it until the time opened the truth what exactly happened between me and you. Well, deciding to fall in you, maybe the greatest pain which I will miss and regret the most of my entire life’s moment. We surely know that blaming can be the easiest way to decide who is wrong or right but this story was only between me and you. I was just sick of having a good vision that our story will go similar to everyone’s bond story and engaging in it optimistically but I really, truly, manifestly forget that people are like two-sided coin, they may have good and bad in a certain stage, then the story started clearly going wrong as you put everything in design. Yes, it is you who design, manipulate, shape every inch of our story plot so that it can feed your ego which is never quenched for whole time, make yourself giggling as I suffered from confusion, and of course it is I who give, involve in everything you have set up and fall too deeply in your nice setting.

If you did not ruin every single thing that I have set up and you allowed the nature of affection grows logically with no manipulation at all then we would have sat in a deep, long, delightful conversation in a very long riding moment. If you did not build your walls of ego and you followed your natural sense of a pure feeling then we maybe had sat enjoying the sunset on the seashore spoiled by the cold wind and calm, relaxing, peaceful waves of the sea. If you told me the exact of your own desire coming from your deepest and truest mind then we would have appreciated each other by building, chasing, and struggling what we accurately aimed for, since the day we met. But all is just “If” at the end and we are just dreamers now who lost even before we truly found our goals, dreamers who are confused what sorts of action that we should take to afterward, and dreamers forever and ever. Dreaming and imagining can be really satisfying for certain occasion specifically when your beautiful, lovable, sufficient thoughts can only turn into dust without having the feeling of fulfillment. 

Well, life can be very tough, right? But the thing to remember is that life gives you choices and it is you who decide your life not your friends or neighbors then decide to live in the right way. If you cannot make someone glad then please don’t make any ruination in someone’s life story, the pain will be healed but the memory will last forever. Maintain your relationship by thinking beyond before taking an action because you are connected to each other and reflection is important. Sensitivity does really matter, as I said before people is like two sided-coin and when they are in the evil mode, you have to be aware of that vicious creature. They bite, yes but they bite inside your feeling. You may interpret freely about this letter depending on your feeling once you have finished reading the entire words through your pure heart and healthy mind hohoho. Thanks for reading! I am going to see you in the “Letter of Moving on from You”. See you and Cheers mate!

The one whom you cheated on. 

The moon has its light even though it is given by the sun but it's still pretty. 


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